


  • 訂單確認後本店一般會在1—3個工作天內視乎存貨情況安排出貨。詳情請向客服查詢。
  • 消費滿 HKD 1,000 - 免本地送貨運費;
  • 滿 HKD 1,500 - 免送貨到澳門運費,亦支援海外配送,歡迎向客服查詢詳情。


消費HKD 1,000 以下本地運費客戶自付費率(將會先以本司公司帳戶代繳,本公司將會安排客戶額外支付此運費。):

香港/ 九龍/ 新界地區 :( 1支 共HKD 33; 2支 共HKD 48; 3-6支 共HKD 58)

  • 本店支援海外配送,中國內地及海外顧客詳情請向客戶服務查詢。
  • 運送過程中若有產生偏遠地區附加費、關稅、手續費及其他服務費,買方需全額負擔費用。



Email: info@treasureswine.com

+852 6236 9281


  • 寶生酒作業TREASURES WINE保留權利可更改貨品的價格而不作另行通知,所有訂購須由寶生酒作業TREASURES WINE全權決定並根據存貨供應而接受。
  • 所有訂單須視乎相關貨品的供應情況再作最後確認。倘若本網站提供已訂購之產品或服務缺貨,本網有權拒絕接受該訂單。
  • 產品價格以訂購貨品當日的價格為準。
  • 本公司可全權在任何時間即時調整價格,而無須事前通知客戶。


  • 客戶或代收貨方(包括客戶指定的物流方)請親自安排於本公司出/送貨時驗貨,客戶提貨/收貨簽收即表示已確認所購貨品之數量、貨品規格及商品貨好完整無損。
  • 客戶或代收貨方請自行認真驗明貨物,並確認貨品質量、數量及規格是否相符,提貨/送貨簽收後如有貨物短缺或損壞,本公司恕不負責,客戶需自行負責。
  • 本公司保證所售商品必為正貨。本公司對酒精類產品都提供一站式恒溫物流管理,包括從運輸到倉儲都使用酒類配置相關設備。因此,希望客人在收貨後直到享用美酒前都能保持恒溫儲置,把酒放在陰涼無陽光照射的地方。若因沒有妥善儲置酒類產品而導致質量變壞,本公司恕不負責,客戶需自行負責。
  • Customers or the nominated recipients (including logistics providers nominated by customer) are requested to inspect the goods upon delivery or collection from our company. Signing for the goods indicates that the customer has confirmed completeness of purchased items and the purchased items are in good conditions.
  • Customers or the nominated recipients are requested to carefully verify & inspect the goods and confirm that the quality; quantity and items match. If there are any shortages or damages after signing for the collection or delivery, our company will not be responsible, and the customer will bear the responsibility.
  • Our company guarantees that all sold products are genuine. According to the nature of alcoholic products, it is hoped that customers can keep and store the products in a cool and shaded area without sunlight. If the quality of alcoholic products deteriorates due to improper storage,  our company will not be responsible, and the customer will bear the responsibility.