Chateau Lynch Bages 靚次伯

靚次伯原箱 Lynch Bages FULL CASE - 6 支 BOTTLES per case

  • 優惠
  • 定價 HK$7,140.00
內含稅金。 結帳時計算運費

 靚次伯正牌原箱優惠低至每支HKD 1,080

Limited offer for FULL CASE of Chateau Lynch Bages


靚次伯(Chateau Lynch Bages)出產自法國波爾多(Bordeuax)的Pauillac,一直以來以其「超二級莊」的水準聞名,業內擁有非常高的評價。
由於Lynch Bages的發音與粵劇著名老倌「靚次伯」的楷音相近,因而約定俗成取用「靚次伯」作為Lynch Bages紅酒的中文名稱。
據聞該酒為香港富翁李嘉誠先生的酒桌上常備酒款,加上國泰航空將這款酒作為頭等艙指定用酒,因此Lynch Bages也有「億萬富翁的日常餐酒」之美譽。

Wine Type: Red

Country: France

Region: Pauillac, Bordeaux

Producer: Chateau Lynch Bages 

Blend: Red Blend

Bottle Size: 750ml


Château Lynch-Bages is situated in the Pauillac commune of the Médoc region in Bordeaux. The grand vin, which is made predominantly from Cabernet Sauvignon, is known for its structure and intensity, and can age for 20 years or more. It ranks among the best in the appellation.

The property in the village of Bages takes the other part of its name from Thomas Lynch, a Bordeaux merchant of Irish lineage who owned the property from 1749 to 1824. It was rated a fifth growth in the Bordeaux Classification of 1855, although the reputation of the property, now in the hands of the Cazes family, soared from 1945 after a string of excellent vintages.